Kittie’s Corner

Bay Doucet :

Being present in the moment and finding oneself


Sep 13


Kittie's Author


Bay Doucet : Being present in the moment and finding oneself

An explorer in the arts industry, Bay Doucet is a 23-year-old Malaysian artist who is seizing every opportunity to learn and grow. She is a graphic designer, content creator, model, photographer, singer, sustainability and mental health advocate; the list goes on. 

Bay hopes to inspire others to take the courage and break free from the expectations of others, self-doubt, and uncertainty to find true happiness. On the journey to achieve or discover our dreams, we must first understand ourselves, then take steps, risks, to fail, learn, and continue to face the challenges head on. Having anxiety and depression, the young female urges us to embrace our vulnerabilities, translating our growth through our voice, actions, and art.

We encourage you to read on as Bay shares her thoughts to be present, connect to our environment, and finding oneself through the process.

Describe yourself in 10 words or less. List from the most prominent to the least.

1. Proud cat-mom.

2. Creative.

3. Emotional.

4. Old-fashioned.

One color that defines who you are. Why?

Green. This is a hard question because I love all colors. The color green always reminds me of being outdoors, and the feeling of freedom that comes from running across a field or lying in the grass. I’m always chasing that carefree feeling when I’m outdoors.

What does beauty mean to you?

Beauty to me is finding comfort and acceptance for who I am as a person. The most beautiful people to me, are the ones who are truly and wholly comfortable with who they are.

Having anxiety and depression, what motivates you to take care of yourself?

Struggling with anxiety and depression can sometimes negatively affect my relationships with the people around me. I take care of myself so I can show up, care for my loved ones, and be a better person.

How do you stay mindful to appreciate and capture the beauty around you?

I love going on walks. We take all the beautiful things around us in nature for granted. I go for walks with my phone on ‘airplane mode’ and allow myself to appreciate the things around me. I take photos of the things that catch my attention, remember to slow down, and take a moment to observe my surroundings. Each moment never ceases to surprise me.

Why should we take risks to explore and try different things?

You don’t grow unless you put yourself in situations that challenge you. I’ve never been able to choose one single profession because I love all the different aspects of every job I get to do – With every job or activity, the skills you learn along the way will all overlap and help to improve your overall work. I say yes to trying everything at least once because you never know until you try. We will never be at a loss for trying something new, and I love that it keeps me on my toes, always learning, growing, and expanding who I am.

“We will never be at a loss
for trying something new,
and I love that it keeps me on my toes,
always learning, growing, and
expanding who I am.”

How do you create something soft and simple but also stand out?

My work is a reflection of who I am. A lot of my photographs and videos are created through my inner feelings, emotions, and experiences – people are connected to stories and emotion, and being able to translate that into everything that I do makes my work uniquely ‘me’ (at least I hope it does!). Making time to get to know myself better is an extremely big part of my work, and I try to make sure that there is a piece of me in everything that I do.

How do we discover our signature look or style?

Spend time by yourself! Our generation consumes so much content, from TV to music to social media. We constantly scroll Pinterest for inspiration, which isn’t a bad thing, but sometimes it can cloud our own personal style and make us instead try to be someone we are not. Spending time by myself, trusting my gut feelings, and keeping a journal helped me get to know myself better, and that gave me the confidence to be who I am, even if it does not always match what is currently trending. Switching from constantly ‘consuming’, to ‘creating’ more instead, helped me find my own style.

What is your favorite part of the “Cross The Line” liquid eyeliner pen? Why?

I love all the colors! I’ve always loved color, and I love that the “Cross The Line” liquid eyeliners come in so many colors, making it so easy to express myself and bring a little more fun into my day-to-day life.

Tips to spice up a daily makeup look for brunch.

I like matching my makeup colors to my outfit through eyeshadow or eyeliner. I didn’t enjoy makeup until I started experimenting with more color, and I haven’t looked back!

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